


All our puppies come with: 

  • A 10 Year Genetic Health Guarantee – because the parents were DNA tested to ensure they are clear of known issues in schnauzers and not inbred. This dramatically reduces your puppy's chance of inheriting serious life-threatening genetic defects saving you heartache and money over the life of your puppy.

  • Potty trained in our environment, making it as easy as possible for you to transition to potty training in your home.

  • Guidance from Shawn Kent Hayashi on how your new family member's temperament fits your household composition. This is especially important if you have small children in your family and/or are a first-time dog owner.

  • Great early socialization because they are family raised in our home, so your puppy is properly prepared to become part of your family, scientifically proven to reduce the likelihood of behavioral issues later in life (this is a good reason NOT to buy from pet shops or puppy mills where puppies begin patterns of anxiety and fear causing big problems later in their lives!).

  • Up to date vaccination, deworming, and letter from our vet confirming the schnauzer puppy is healthy.


  • The first full grooming in either the Teddy Bear or the Traditional Schnauzer groom and you may tell us which you’d prefer. 

  • One month of complimentary pet insurance is also available to all new owners from award winning company Trupanion.

  • Video updates of the puppy’s progress regularly on our YouTube Channel so you can experience your puppy’s development at each stage -

  • A Schnauzer "Users Manual" that covers your puppy's care, grooming, training etc.

  • Dewclaws and tails removed when the puppy is 3 days old to prevent the chance of future painful injury.

  • Crate-acclimated to make crate training easier.

  • Chew toy conditioned to enjoy chew toys.

We offer training for our schnauzer puppies and their families! If interested in help with training your puppy please ask about this option.


Our Schnauzer Puppy Pricing Guidelines

When you inquire about a specific puppy, Shawn Kent Hayashi will be able to give you the cost of that puppy based on the age and training you would prefer.

Our puppies are typically $4,000 at 8 weeks. However rare colors (red and liver/chocolate) may be higher. (There is an additional fee for AKC Breeding Rights - please discuss with Shawn if you are looking for this option.)

Each week of Prep School training is $375 per week.

Here is what you can expect at different ages in our Puppy Prep School Training:

A 12 week old schnauzer puppy - this is the stage where basic obedience like sit, down, spin, and stay are in place; however you will need to continue practicing in your home.

A 16-week-old socialized, obedient and well-bred schnauzer puppy with DNA clear parents that has completed our Prep School training program also includes training you in how to work with your dog. You will need to continue doing the obedience routines and follow our practices with your puppy regularly to retain this learning.

A 9 - 12 month old well-bred schnauzer puppy with DNA clear parents that has completed our Prep School training program and is prepared to be a certified therapy dog is $9,000.

A schnauzer in our Guardian Program (a puppy that goes to live with a family as a pet while still being part of our breeding program) receives the Prep School training experience at no additional cost to the new owners.


Choosing Your Schnauzer Puppy

Let’s start with a conversation about what you want to add you to the waiting list. Then Shawn Kent Hayashi (Shasha) will save you a place on the SVCC Schnauzer waiting list. You’ll also let us know if you want to bring your puppy home at 8 weeks or another option in our Prep School training program, or if you are looking for a pup for therapy dog work.

The deposit to be added to the waiting list is $500. When a schnauzer puppy is born that matches the type of doggie you want, Shawn Kent Hayashi (Shasha) will call you. If you decide, “Yes!” that this is the puppy you have been waiting for, you will make an additional deposit of $1,000.00.

By 8 weeks the remaining balance is due in full for your puppy.

When you have selected additional Prep School or therapy training option, the full remaining payment is due before you take your puppy home.

If you choose a schnauzer in our breeding program and become one of our Guardian homes, you pay the base price of the schnauzer puppy and receive the Prep School training at no additional cost. We cover all costs associated with breeding the dogs in our schnauzer breeding program.


Visiting Your Schnauzer Puppy

You may also come to meet your puppy, play, and train together before it is ready to go home with you. Shasha will coordinate weekend dates for visits with you and send you regular videos.

We can also recommend great places to visit and stay nearby if you do not live in the Saucon Valley area of Pennsylvania – for example, Hotel Bethlehem was recently named the best historic hotel in the nation by USA Today!

Your schnauzer puppy can also be delivered with a Pet Nanny service, if needed.

Do you have questions? If so, please get in touch!


 Meet our Schnauzer Puppies!